Top Best Free Video Editing Software For Pc. If You Want Know Which Is The Free Editing Software For Pc. Then This Is Right Place For You. Because I Will Give You Premium Quality Free Editing Software Without Watermark
1. DaVinci Resolve Davinci Resolve Is Software you can edit your YouTube video and any other type of video you need even you make a film in there that is such cool editing software.
In This Software You Just Do Anything You Want. This Software Work On Windows, Linux And Mac.
In That Software you edit your video 4k Quality Even If Your machine is so good you can edit your video in 8k Quality. Now I am Just Give You All Feature.
Davinci Resolve Feature
That Feature Is In Davinci Resolve And That Help You To Edit Your Video.
1. Edit
3.Color Grading
6.Media And Delivery
Explanation Feature
In Edit Page You Can Do All type Of Editing like transition ,effect, Open fx, etc.
In the cut page you just do basing cutting your video.
In the Color grading Page you just do your video ultimate type of color grading motion tracking and more.
In the fusion you just do VfX means Visual effects.
In the Fairlight Page you just edit your music or your video sound
And final & last Media And Delivery you just export your video 4k quality.
Davinci Resolve Specs
if You want to know so here is spec window 10.
16Gb of system memory and GPU which supports OpenCL 1.2 or CUDA 11
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